Dallas Black Blog


Archive for the ‘Black Education’ Category

Black Men Will Again Lead the Nation Back to School this Fall

Posted by DallasBlackBlog on Sunday, July 22, 2007

Help Organize the Million Father March 2007 in Your City

This fall Black men will again lead the nation’s children back to school. We want 500,000 men in 200 cities to take their children to school this first fall school day of 2007. Last year, we had as many as 300,000 people in 127 cities who participated in the March. This event is open to men and women of all races and ethnicities, and we ask every parent or male caregiver to be with their children on this most important first day of school.


We need you to volunteer as the Million Father March 2007 Organizer in your city. The 2007 March will not take much work and you will get a huge return on time invested. We will give you all the help you need to manage a successful 2007 black-to-school March. Please pass this email on to men and women across the country so that we can have the greatest March ever on the first day of school this fall!

The Million Father March is the beginning of male involvement every school year in the lives of our children and students. The Black Star Project will share additional ways and activities throughout the year in which men can be involved with their children’s education. When fathers and other male caregivers are involved in the lives of children, their children learn better and have fewer social and discipline problems.

Please email us at blackstar1000@ameritech.net with your name, your email address, and your city/state if you wish to manage this event in your city. Please also let us know if you want more information about the March or The Black Star Project. Some cities might have more than one organizer.

To make your 2007 March a big success, you need to begin organizing now. The March will be an important event for your children and your city. For more information, please visit our website at www.blackstarproject.org or call 773-285-9600. ____________________________________________________

“I have been waiting and preparing for a time such as this. Our combined voices must be heard, and we can not stop until every Black man feels the power within himself to make a positive difference in the lives of our children, themselves, and our communities. We can do this.”


-Elder Felix L. Graham,
Million Father March Organizer, 2006

Indianapolis, Indiana

Posted in African American, African American Education, Black, Black Education, Dallas ISD, DISD, Education, Education Reform, Million Father March, Race, The Black Star Project, Urban Education | Leave a Comment »